Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jeremy Mann

Jeremy Mann is a San Francisco artist whose work aims to embody the feel and look of his city, San Francisco.He paints the area with intimate, dynamic expression. A number of his compositions include wet pavement that reflects street lamps and neon signs and glitters in the rain. Aside from his paints of his city Mann has also created beautiful portraits

To see more of his work visit:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jon Jacobsen

Jon Jacobsen is a self-taught photographer who uses costumes, props, and visual effects to produce surreal portraits of his friends and the people he admires. Each image represents the subject based on how Jon Jacobsen views them. 

To see more of her work visit:

Jason Bard Yarmosky

A man who devotes his efforts to exploring the concept of aging. Yarmosky's paintings and drawings are a representation of his devotions.devotions. Yarmosky exposes the tension between the physical and psychological elements of the elderly.

Dale Grimshaw

Dale has established himself over a period of years as being one of the most respected and individual artists on the London art scene.He has contributed to the Street Art scene with a series pieces that he has created throughout Europe.

To see more of his work visit:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nature Photography by Alex Saberi

Alex Saberi is a  photographer from London who has taken pictures of sights around the world. The photos of his of nature are especially beautiful. One of his most use models in his work are deer which is showcased in the work above.

To see more off his work visit:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bernard Pras

 Bernard Pras is a French artist who change the way people look at visual art. Pras adds extra dimensions to paintings, photos and images, choosing materials that enhance certain aspects of his art and allows the viewer to reconsider their original impressions of art.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Collages by Patrick Bremer

A winner of The DeLazlo Foundation Award from The Royal Society of Portrait Painters for his figurative work.Patrick creates collages employing the use of old magazines and books from thrift stores and car boot sales that are assembled to produce portraits.